‘Women’s Wealth & Impact Network™’
“It’s OUR TURN to fulfill our dreams and create the Wealth and Impact we were born to do.” Karen S. Schaefer, Founder W.I.N.™
A global network of women coming together to build the lives we all deserve and creating an impact that changes the world.
Karen S. Schaefer, Founder W.I.N!
Women’s Wealth & Impact Network™
W.I.N. ‘Women’s Wealth & Impact Network™
is for Women who are ready to Own their Greatness and turn it into Wealth and Impact! The ‘12 Pillars of Wealth and Impact’ for Women of all Generations is our cornerstone, so Every Woman, Everywhere, has the Opportunity and Tools to Exceed her Purpose and Passion. As Women, we have always put everyone else before ourselves and now, IT’s OUR TURN to Fulfill our Dreams, Build Businesses, Write Books, deliver a Keynote and Make a Difference. We have already Accomplished Great things in our lives, but now, it’s OUR TIME to step into Our Vision, and Share it with the World. Let’s be “In It to W.I.N. It’ by Coming Together, Women lifting up Women, to Build our Dreams and Create an Impact. Women’s Wealth and Impact Network™. It’s OUR MOMENT!”
Who is …
Karen S. Schaefer
Karen was totally broke at 48, with $200 in the bank, a stress level through the roof and 5 mini-strokes to prove it. She knew this wasn’t the life she was put on this earth to live. She pulled up her big girl panties, wrote her first book in her 40s, built her first seven figure business and a nearly 8 figure portfolio in her 50s, and is now a vision building and impact creating coach for women over 50 courageously pursuing their dreams. Not to mention, she’s the author of the Phoebee series for girls,‘Finding Your Superpowers’, 5 Fabulous Flaws of Women Over 50, WOMEN W.I.N., the 12 Pillars of Wealth and Impact Creation for Women over 50, and the Best Selling real estate book, ‘Love Sells.’ She also produces a weekly Newsletter, Women W.I.N!, and offers free trainings to women throughout the world. Karen has a passion to help other women over 50 to find their ‘superpowers’ and embrace their dreams in order to create time, money and impact freedom! It’s our turn and it’s time to take it!
Karen is an Author, Keynote Speaker, Vision Building and Impact Creating coach for women, and advocate for Women and Girls throughout the world.
1st Time Visitor?
The Women W.I.N. Newsletter is for Women in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and beyond who are ready to be inspired to create legacy wealth, touch people’s lives and make a difference. We have always put everyone else before ourselves and now, IT’s OUR TURN to fulfill our dreams, build businesses, write books, deliver a keynote and make a difference. We have already achieved great things but now, it’s OUR TIME to step into Our Vision, and Share it with the World! As one we are mighty, together, we change the world!
W.I.N. ‘Women’s Wealth & Impact Network™’ is for Women who are ready to Own their Greatness and turn it into Wealth and Impact! The ‘12 Pillars of Wealth and Impact’ for Women of all Generations is our cornerstone, so Every Woman, Everywhere, has the Opportunity and Tools to Exceed her Purpose and Passion. As Women, we have always put everyone else before ourselves and now, IT’s OUR TURN to Fulfill our Dreams, Build Businesses, Write Books, deliver a Keynote and Make a Difference. We have already Accomplished Great things in our lives, but now, it’s OUR TIME to step into Our Vision, and Share it with the World. Let’s be “In It to W.I.N. It’ by Coming Together, Women lifting up Women, to Build our Dreams and Create an Impact. Women’s Wealth and Impact Network™. It’s OUR MOMENT!”
Enjoy the current editions and roam the archives of Karen’s Blog postings. Fill up with Inspiring and life-changing articles all about business, life, growth, marketing, inspiration and raw truths. Quick reads with lasting impressions.
‘Defining Your Customer Avatar’ Episode 6 – Pillar 3 Marketing
https://vimeo.com/1013664807?share=copy Have you ever had that sick feeling in your stomach that literally keeps you up at night? It is nagging at you, causing you
‘Give them what they WANT!’ Episode 5 – Pillar #3 Marketing
https://vimeo.com/1013660630?share=copy#t=0 In Marketing there is a saying; ‘Give them what they want, not what they need.’ As a woman, I like people to give me
‘The RBR Method’ Episode 4 – Pillar #2 Self Care
https://vimeo.com/1013686722?share=copy#t=0 The other day a client said something to me that really gave me pause. Well, let me clarify. What they said, actually made
Ready to Experience True Freedom and Power Knowing
You Can Do What You Were Put On This Earth To Do?
Karen S. Schaefer has done it all!
She wrote her first book in her 40s, built her first seven figure business in her 50s, and is now a business and marketing coach for women over 50 courageously pursuing their dreams. Not to mention, she’s the author of the Phoebee Fleabee ‘Finding Your Superpower’ series for girls, 5 Fabulous Flaws of Women Over 50, Jackie of All Traits, 50 Forward, and the Amazon Best-Seller, ‘Love Sells.’ With her extensive experience and knowledge, Karen is uniquely qualified to help you discover your next phase of life and experience true freedom and power. So come join the fun and follow Karen on social media today!
I’m Karen
Karen S Schaefer is uniquely qualified to help Women over 50 create their dreams, experience true freedom and power.
… and do what they were put on this earth to do through her expertise as a Best Selling Author, Amazon Best Seller, Top Sales Performer, Keynote Speaker, Business Coach, Leader, Entrepreneur and Visionary, and Author of “Five Fabulous Flaws of Women over 50”.
1st Time Visitor?
Start reading Karen's Books
Karen's infectious enthusiasm for life, her commitment to helping other women and her inspiring story of overcoming adversity will motivate you to start living the life you deserve today. Let Karen be your guide as you embark on the journey of a lifetime and create the life you were put on this earth to live. Get ready to experience true freedom and power and start reading Five Fabulous Flaws of Women Over 50 now!
Welcome to the weekly 'Women W.I.n. Newsletter'
The Women W.I.N. Newsletter is for Women in their 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's who are ready to create Great Wealth and Deliver an Impact in this World. We have always put everyone else before ourselves and now, IT's OUR TURN to fulfill our dreams, build businesses, write books, deliver a keynote and make a difference. We have already achieved great things but now, it's OUR TIME to step into Our Vision, and Share it with the World
Take a Peek at my blog
Read through hundreds of pages of Karen’s past Blog postings. Fill up with Inspiring and life-changing articles all about business, life, growth and raw truths.
‘Defining Your Customer Avatar’ Episode 6 – Pillar 3 Marketing
https://vimeo.com/1013664807?share=copy Have you ever had that sick feeling in your stomach that literally keeps you up at night? It is nagging at you, causing you
‘Give them what they WANT!’ Episode 5 – Pillar #3 Marketing
https://vimeo.com/1013660630?share=copy#t=0 In Marketing there is a saying; ‘Give them what they want, not what they need.’ As a woman, I like people to give me
‘The RBR Method’ Episode 4 – Pillar #2 Self Care
https://vimeo.com/1013686722?share=copy#t=0 The other day a client said something to me that really gave me pause. Well, let me clarify. What they said, actually made