‘Defining Your Customer Avatar’ Episode 6 – Pillar 3 Marketing

Have you ever had that sick feeling in your stomach that literally keeps you up at night?  It is nagging at you, causing you to worry because it feels like something you just can’t solve?

Maybe it’s money trouble or a health concern?  Perhaps it is trouble with a family member, your kids or your spouse?  Or, do you have a conflict you can’t resolve with yourself? You can’t find the time to write that book, exercise, start your own company?  Sometimes, we feel as though we have been unjustly treated or overlooked.

Whatever it is that is keeping you up at night, is a marketers dream come true!  I know you are probably thinking I have lost my mind but if I could solve your problem, so you  could sleep peacefully, resolve the conflict, find time to write your book and build a seven figure business, would that be of interest to you?  Of course it would!  That is the job of a good marketer!  To solve a problem.  To appeal to your pain, joy and greed.  Sounds harsh, but that is the reality.  If you can solve a problem, you have a viable and soon to be, very successful business! Congratulations.

What is the catch?  You just need to know your customer. Yes, really, that’s it.  But, you have to know them at such a deep an intimate level that you already know their problem.   It can take some time and research but the riches in niches are always worth it in the end.

There are 3 simple steps in getting to know and understand your customer.


    1. Who are they?

    1. What keeps them up at night?

    1. Why do they want what you have to offer?

Let’s start with ‘Who.’   These are your demographics and really explore the facts about your customer.   Is it a male or female?  What age group?  Do they have a political or religious belief that might be of importance? How much money do they make? What is their career path?  How many kids/grandkids? What age group are the kids/grandkids? Where do they live? How much do they travel? Where? What is their race? Do they volunteer? What do they read? Do they have hobbies? You get the idea.  It is any fact that you can possibly glean about your perfect or ideal customer.   And then, give them a name.  It makes it personal.  My Avatar, my ideal customers name is  Kate.

Next, is ‘What?’  What keeps your customer up at night or worried during the day?   These are Psychographics and deal with the emotional side of your Avatar.  What are their problems? Why do they have them?  What have they tried in the past that didn’t work and why?  What makes them laugh, cry, think and feel?  Most people tend to skip the demographics but if you can really delve into these, you will be able to enter the mind of your customer and speak directly to their needs.  This is a game changer.

Lastly, is ‘Why.’ Why do they need a solution to their problems or situation?  Maybe they want to feel healthy and vital again.  Or they would like to remarry.  How about deciding it’s their turn to fulfill that dream they had buried in their hearts so long ago and they are ready to turn it into a reality (sound familiar?), or they want to make more money to give their family a better life, live in a nicer home, take a longer vacation, pay for the kids college so they can graduate without debt, leave a legacy or create an impact.  Whatever it is, you need to understand your customers why in order to be able to understand their motivations and how you can inspire them to move forward.

At this point in our lives, as women over 50, wouldn’t you prefer to serve people at your highest level? Don’t you want to offer something that is deep and meaningful?  Even if you think ‘well, I really just want to have a clothing shop.’  But doesn’t that mean you want to offer a great experience and wonderful quality products?  You see how this works.  The more you know your customer, the more you can serve them and the more your dream grows.

If you enjoyed this post, be sure to watch the video and subscribe to my
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Karen Schaefer
Founder of W.I.N.; the Women’s Wealth and Impact Network

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I'm Karen Thank you for visiting my Blog!

If you are reading this, I am assuming you are over 50, just like me. If you happen to be younger but an ‘old soul’ good for you. You are ahead of the game! And while age does come with a few, oh what should we call them…challenges maybe, the experiences far outweigh the hurdles (and if you can’t make it over the hurdle, don’t worry about it, we will kick it over for you!). You might think you are too old to start something new like pursuing your lifelong dreams, but really, its those laps around the sun that have been preparing you for your next adventure. Don’t let an old story of being too old stop you from leading your very best life…for you and those you love!

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