‘Don’t Over Complicate it!’ Episode 7 – Pillar 9 Business Structures & Systems

Don’t overcomplicate it! Simple Systems are the best systems.

In today’s world, everything feels like chaos. Unless of course, you have systems.  As women, we have created systems with everything we do, often without even realizing it.  Think about it.

What time do you get up in the morning?  And what does your morning look like?  This, to me, is your most powerful system.  It is the one that allows you to take care of yourself, start your day off right and to take steps toward building that dream business.  For example, as I write this, it is 6:30am, I am in my office, walking on my treadmill after having woken up, read my bible and got myself organized for my day.   Now that might not be your morning, but it is often mine.

Say you get up at 6am.  You then have coffee, maybe do a quick stretch or work out ( I know, sometimes we have to work toward all these things), then prep lunches, take a shower, get yourself ready, hustle anyone else out the door and then you begin work.  It is a system. 

  1. Wake at 6am
  2. Coffee and Stretch 6:15-6:45
  3. Prep lunches and pick up kitchen- 6:45-7:05
  4. Shower and get ready for the day 7:05-7:45
  5. Hustle everyone out the door and sit down at your desk 7:45-8:00am

A simple 5 step system you didn’t even know you had. Congratulations.  

To keep our systems simple, I often have systems within systems.  The corresponding video to this blog mentions my real estate listing system.  In the video, I am walking you through the process of actually walking in the door after we secured the listing.  I have gift bags, flyers or marketing materials, a sign offering the gift to the agents and buyers, a sign for shoe covers, a basket and waste basket for the old and new shoe covers, a sign for the yard, a lockbox and key.  Then, I mention the fact that this is a system within a system.  There is also the listing appointment system, the contracting system, the open house system, the closing system and the follow up system. 

By creating these micro systems, each one becomes very simple.  They all have a one-page SOP- Standard Operating Procedure and they each have a checklist of any materials needed or steps that must be taken.  This allows me to perform each task perfectly every single time.  And there isn’t any question as to whether or not they work, what is needed and the results.  Plus, I can entrust these systems to anyone because they are so simple.   I can assign the entire system to an assistant or team member or dole out the micro systems to a few other agents.  It allows me to be more effective and efficient.  If I am more effective and efficient, then, everyone else on my team is as well, including my clients because my systems have made them more comfortable and have allowed me to manage their expectations.  And ultimately, I make more money and have more time.

Now that, is a W.I.N.-ing system!

If you enjoyed this post, be sure to watch the video and subscribe to my
FREE weekly “Women W.I.N. Newsletter”. 


Karen Schaefer
Founder of W.I.N.; the Women’s Wealth and Impact Network


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If you are reading this, I am assuming you are over 50, just like me. If you happen to be younger but an ‘old soul’ good for you. You are ahead of the game! And while age does come with a few, oh what should we call them…challenges maybe, the experiences far outweigh the hurdles (and if you can’t make it over the hurdle, don’t worry about it, we will kick it over for you!). You might think you are too old to start something new like pursuing your lifelong dreams, but really, its those laps around the sun that have been preparing you for your next adventure. Don’t let an old story of being too old stop you from leading your very best life…for you and those you love!

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